WYNN QUOTES – The Deepest Real

“Rain make roots grow deeper than before…..”

There’s been no shortage of rain around here lately, and for some that can be difficult. We all get tired of cloudy days and rain for sure.  But when the rains end, there are generally things here now, that weren’t here before the rain.  Some we easily see, and some we don’t.  The bright colors, the lush grass, the freshness of a long rain, all undeniable, visible.  Brilliant, yet superficial.

The real reward we get is what happens beyond what we can readily see through our human lens.  Streams filled, animals given the water they need, and the roots of our trees given the life blood they spend their entire life searching for just below our feet.  I was reminded of this recently, as a 60 foot tree fell on my house.  It wasn’t the roots that gave way to the 80 mph winds, it was a huge arm that weakened over time superficially, while the roots easily held their ground below my feet.  As discouraged as I was during the moment it happened, I was reminded literally 5 minutes later, still during the storm, that all would be fine.  And there was more than a lot  –   to be thankful for  –   even at that moment.

There is work to do, money to spend, and the seemingly unending wait on insurance, but the lesson for me was the strength of the roots.  It’s allegorical to life.  When we come together to talk about things that are meaningful, share our fears, concerns, frustrations, and feelings that maybe on the surface seem rainy, those are the conversations that mean the most sometimes.  They represent the deepest real, and allow the part of you that should be the strongest part, to grow even stronger. 

Sharing your rain and receiving others is a powerful thing. Especially when you know directly from them in those moments,  that it’s not only OK….. but they wouldn’t have it any other way.
