WYNN QUOTES – Ask To Connect

“When you ask someone a question, it makes them feel important. When they answer it, it makes you feel important.”

It seems like the most basic of things, but it’s really not anymore.  Asking questions.  While we communicate differently now than ever, one thing has changed more than most.  We don’t ask each other near enough questions.  You may not realize it day to day, but being asked a question makes you feel good.  Very good in fact under the right circumstances.   When someone asks you a question, it makes you feel important, because they are showing interest, they care about what you think, or they want to know how you feel.  All three are pretty cool.

But sometimes we minimize the asked question, or forget the its origin.  A question comes from someones curiosity about – you.  Some questions are harder to hear than others, and some are tough to answer.  But more likely than not, when you to answer honestly, the air is clear and a better feeling can begin.  And for the questions easy to ask, and easy to answer, the sky is the limit on how good that can make you feel. Think about the best question you have ever been asked.  Whatever it was, you answered it, and you felt very important at that moment. 

And the cool thing is, the answer you gave to whatever that amazing question was, made the one who asked, even happier.  This is how we get to know each other, how we get inside, how we connect, bond, go deep.  The power of the question can do that.  Many times, we are so focused on making statements, we forget to ask the questions.  When in fact, the only way to get the answers that can make you feel good, requires you to flatter them,  and make them feel good –  first.

Good, or appropriate “Question” songs may be hard to find, but “Answer” songs are much easier.  This one makes you feel about as good as a great question.  (Love Is The Answer)