WYNN QUOTES – A Place Never Ventured

“The Road Ahead, Leaves Other Roads Behind”

I recently took a seven hour road trip, which is something I hadn’t done in a long time.  For me, flying has become the preferred way to go.  But, as we embarked on our journey where airplanes were not an option, it became clear a day on the road was in order.  And I am thankful for it.

I, like you, drive a lot in my everyday life and most of it not fun.  To and from work and station appearances, errands and the like, many times at strange times of the day – or night – or sort of both.  But I was reminded there is something different about a road trip.  Leaving on an adventure that has no time restraint, its own schedule, and is strictly for pleasure.  It’s very different to want to venture out, than have to, plus we were on our way to a place never ventured.   And as I settled in, it hit me that this was not a challenge at all.  This was to be embraced as there was something alluring about setting out freely on the open road.   And even though it may have appeared at first to be a long jaunt, I found it may not have been long enough.

Sometimes it’s good to see a different area code in only a way a long drive can.  Hours to clear our minds, trying to find various radio stations to listen to, and seeing things new to us. You see, a clear road ahead sometimes is the best way to leave a routine road behind.  In the world today it is rare for any of us to venture out on our own time.  It was a nice feeling to know that our journey, was exactly that.  OUR journey, on our time, our way.  

Driving Songs?  Why not?

And some are just silly, but fun!
