Wynn Notes Monday March 13, 2017

Wynn Notes March 13, 2017

Quick Notes From Wynn, Kay And The Morning Crew on 94.9 WQMX



Today IS – Smart And Sexy Day (Ooh La La…)

First Fact – St. Patrick’s Day Week (Dry out all week)

Big Birthday – Common is 45

Food – Today We Honor – Chicken Noodle Soup

More Fun With Food – Milky Way Day (Poor Man’s Snickers)

Days away – MLB Opening Day – 22 / Spring – 7

Cha-Ching – Mega = 113 Million Tonight / Powerball = 116 Saturday

3 Things To Know

Good To GO! – Trending If it seems woman always get a new hair change after a break up, it turns out it is fact. Reasons, shedding the past, immediate, and freeing.

Not Good To Go – Meals are OUT! Most younger Americans snack instead

What a Story Makes a certain amount of sense. MOST Americans do not have any faith in Self Driving cars..

Show Fun!




What I Learned Yesterday

There is nothing wrong at all, with making a 5 pound roast in the crock pot on a winter day!


Do We NEED This??

Napping Day …..(First Full Day of Daylight Saving Time)


Scoop These Up

The Countdown Is On! –

Beauty And The Beast – opens in 4 days!

New Trend

This ought to throw ancerstory.com into an tizzy, but couples are creating a NEW last name when getting married so they can get a “fresh start”

What a Story 2 Interesting here! About 20 percent of all Twitter accounts are Bots! That’s about 48 million…


Quote of the Day –

Don’t judge a man by what he drinks – but how he holds it…..