Wynn Notes April 27, 2017

Wynn Notes April 27, 2017

Quick Notes From Wynn, Kay And The Morning Crew on 94.9 WQMX


Today IS – Take Our Daughters & Sons to Work Day

First Fact – Babe Ruth Day

Cool Fact Denim Day

Big Birthday – Ace Frehley, 66

Food – Today We Honor – Prime Rib Day!

Days away – Memorial Day 32 / Summer 55

Cha-Ching – Mega = 65 for Friday / Powerball = 113 for Saturday

Things To Know

Good To GO! – TRENDINGDraft Day! The entire world is watching tonight.

What a Story Giving yourself a day off from working out, is good for your overall health, both mentally and physically


What I Learned Yesterday

I missed the 80’s (Temperatures, not the decade)


Do We NEED This??

Chocolate Cake Twinkies??

Scoop These Up

Good To GO! – TRENDINGWomen feel the very best about themselves in virtually every regard, at age 30!


Not Good To Go – ESPN let go over 100 people yesterday, all writers, analysts and anchors


Top Pop – M. Night Shyamalan confirmed there will be a sequel to Unbreakable and Split called Glass due out in January 2019.


What A Story – The world’s last male northern white rhino joined Tinder to find a mate.

Chipotle – Is going to offer a desert dish now, Buñuelos are fried tortillas covered in cinnamon, sugar, and honey with a caramel apple dipping sauce


Quote of the Day –

Ball Game! Tribe WINS!!!