BOOK REVIEW – A Storytellers Guide to a Grace-Filled Life

I don’t normally review books. But some are worth talking about more extensively than simply in the office coffee room.  Like this one – A wonderful new feel good book by Tony Agnesi.

Full disclosure, I know Tony well, and we share commonalities.  We’ve played a lot of golf, like good food, people, bourbon and a good cigar.  We are both passionate about many renaissance-men style activities.  But just as we do share similar interests, we are very different in some ways as well.  That’s what is celebrated in this new little book.  It’s OK to be different from one another and still be a caring soul to those who are not quite the same. Or even opposite as you.

Tony is a wonderful storyteller in life and in this book.  This is a series of Tony’s true story essays over the years referencing his life, health, his marriage, family, and his strong faith, which is at the forefront.  When you read it, you are reminded that it takes great courage to document your life for all to see.  And as a man of strong Catholic faith, Tony melds various passages and biblical quotes that fit the narrative of that particular short chapter at its end.  It is a nice idea that really works. 

Truth be told, I am not Catholic, and do not posses the biblical knowledge at my finger tips as Tony does. But that fact makes this book no less valuable.  To me, that is the real measure of spirituality, as I feel it is a life long search, no matter how you get there.  Books like this speak to many, without alienating any.  It’s just honest, and makes you feel good without ever demanding you feel a certain way, or his way, about the story at hand.

You can pick this book up and read any part of it at any time in its easy to read, 190 pages.  And after Tony shares his personal point of view about a given story he’s sharing, he gently asks that you only consider to reflect on a similar story in your own life, and in your own way.  And you do.  This book does make you think about things in your own life, many of them you may not have thought about in a long time.

The message of this book is one of happiness. And you would be hard pressed not to feel better about many things after reading this, even if you don’t agree with some, or much of it.  You’ve been many of the places Tony has in life.  It’s refreshing to see someone tell compelling stories and be willing to share much that is private for us to page through and relate to.  After reading this book, you may feel the need to write more about your own life, that’s how it moved me.

And even though Tony approaches much of this from a spiritual or what some would call a religious view, he skillfully uses his words to start a conversation, and not end one. 

And man, do we need more of that in our world today.


Available about anywhere books are sold.