MOVIE REVIEWS – New This Weekend March 10, 2017

There’s something for everyone this weekend at the flicks!

Kong Skull Island

Here comes King Kong yet again, rebooted and good to go with an all star cast to back him up.  This stars John Goodman, Tom Hiddleston, Brie Larsen, Samuel L. Jackson, John C. Rielly and many more in this story of discovering Kong deep in the South Pacific on Skull Island.


Kong looks to be in good shape, and that’s saying something after all this time has passed since his big screen debut in 1933.  This is simply escapism.  Kong is discovered, and he still basically wants to be left alone, except man, keeps butting in.  Kong is still a sympathetic character with emotions, as well as strength, and boy does he have strength.   Kong is bigger and better than ever. The CG is terrific here, and there is plenty of action, and yes, there is plenty of Kong.

This is available to you in various formats, including IMAX, and 3D.  I saw it in 3D,  and being honest I’m not sure it added to the experience. But you can be the judge for yourself. 

Kong, 84 years since the original!



Kong, clearly he’s been working out and has accepted his role again as one of cinemas most enduring characters.  Kong Skull Island, simply fun.


The Shack

This was a gigantic book, and now it’s movie, and a spiritual one at that.  Perfect, and I mean perfect example of a movie critics will hate –  and patrons will love.  Are there better movies?  Absolutely!  But this is getting too harsh of a national rap.

This is the story of Mac, who suffers unimaginable loss in life, and he loses his way with himself, his wife, and family.  He then decides to go on a solo journey back to the scene that is the source of all of his pain, a place called, The Shack.  While there, he has a weekend long encounter with God, and Jesus – themselves in person.    Their goal is to heal Mac, and mend his life and family.


Flat out, this will be far too spiritual for some.  This does get off to a very slow and clunky start, and makes a few silly flubs, but it does gather itself.  This is far too long at 2:15.  But it does offer a Mac’s look inside of his own belief system, and will bring comfort to some who may struggle in every day real  life.  It is a bit too much like a sermon at times, but is not a total deal deal breaker.

The Shack.  Great? No.  But not the tanker national critics want you to think.



Before I Fall 

This is a pretty interesting movie that dares to ask questions about not only what happens to you when you die, but what can happen before you die that matters.

This is the story of four high school girls who seem to live typical modern teen lives. Samantha, (Zoey Deutch) is our main character, and she lives through a typical day, that does not end typically.  As a result, she starts to re-live that same day over and over again, ala Groundhog Day.  But this is not a comedy, this is teen drama.


What this is, is a young girl given the chance time and time again to grow up before it’s too late.  It’s about coming of age, and doing the right thing that is in your heart, and not succumbing to the pressures of being a teen.  This, is overall interesting enough to hold your attention, but this does have the view that these teens aren’t as average as the writer would like you to believe. I would have preferred to see teens not from such affluence showcased here.

Deutch was terrific, supporting cast decent, overall an interesting flick that teens and tweens will love as it may look like them.  For the rest of us, especially parents could be a great learning tool.

Check out these reviews as well