MOVIE REVIEWS – In Theaters Now – March 3

This is traditionally the time they toss all the movies in theaters that, well have no place else to go Let’s see if that’s the case this week.


This is a good example of a series that from a movie standpoint is starting to wear thin.  And it appears the end is near, and that’s all I will say.  Even Patrick Stewart is saying he is done.

I have to admit, expectations from me were low, as I have become fatigued on this whole Wolverine thing. But, I was reminded by Hugh Jackman that he is a fine actor, and has done a lot with this character over the past number of years.  This may be a bit too long at 2 hours 15, but I was captured and entertained.  And that’s what these movies do, and  for the most part do well.

Jackman and a solid script and a slick adaptation make this a late winter winner.


Get Out

What a surprise hit!  And this is totally worth a ticket or two.  This is as original of a script as we have seen in a long time.  A thriller with serious racial overtones that was handled beautifully.

This is the story of a interracial couple who go home to meet mom and dad.  The woman is white and her boyfriend is black.  The parents clearly are messed up, but we don’ exactly know how, but boy do we find out.  This is a compelling story, that moves along fast, and handles a touchy topic exceedingly well.

This doesn’t wear out its welcome either.  It says what it needs to and moves on. Get Out is strong, original and flat out good.


Fist Fight

This Ice Cube, Charlie Day “comedy” is new this week. Um, where to begin on this one.  This story is set in a modern day high school and the place is a zoo.  And two teachers (Cube and Day) cross paths on the last day of school, and that leads to the two the THEM having a fist fight.

This is a really harsh, vile, foul language filled, drug glorifying “lampoon” of sort, on today’s high school experience.  This is also one of those comedy’s that is essentially improvisational, where the actors really have no script and just try to be funny for 90 minutes.  Truth is, this is not funny for even nine of it.

This could also be the most irritating movie of this year or any year.  Would someone please shut Charlie Day up and ask him to quit screaming all movie in that shrill, high voice of his?  And while your at it, ask the rest of the cast to do the same.  This just does not work and it sends a brutal example that is supposed to be parody, but ends of being a celebration of the dysfunction of many schools.

Fist Fight. Not good, not funny, not needed.